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Comprehend the uses and the reach of XR at 2025 conferences

Conférences de Laval Virtual

Next edition of the Laval Virtual exhibition promises a rich conference programme with five main themes.

Crédits photos : Prisma / Laval Virtual

On April 9 to 11, 2025, take part in Europe’s biggest XR event. Each year, Laval Virtual is cooking up a 3-day conference programme for professionals who want to better understand immersive technologies and their uses. Many VR/AR experts from all around the world are expected to share their testimonies as users. This year, the sessions aim at questioning the uses of technologies, their health and ethical impact and their potential in terms of innovation and economic development.

60 prestigious speakers to question the uses of XR

Laval Virtual conferences are back for a new edition: 5 themes during 3 days with keynotes, users testimonies, professional use cases, discussions panels and even battles, with the objective of listing the BtoB uses of VR/AR.  “The Laval Virtual conferences are aimed at all those who wish to better understand and apprehend immersive technologies in their profession”, explains Alexandre Bouchet, Director of Europe’s biggest XR event.

At the 2024 edition, over 60 speakers from 35 countries gathered during the 3-day event. Among them, professionals from the immersive, cultural, industrial, academic or even spatial sector. More than 5,500 visitors attended exclusive sessions with Amone Gbedemah from Meta, Agnès Abastado from Musées d’Orsay et de l’Orangerie, Diana Ravelomanantsoa from Microsoft, Franck Gaillard from Alstom and Thomas Dexmier from HTC Vive, for example. “The conferences are a must at the show! They give a voice to industry experts and tackle topical issues that raise questions.” 

An event to “understand and apprehend the future”

For the 27th edition of Laval Virtual, on April 9-11, 2025, many international speakers are expected to share their expertise (call for applications is open until December 13). In 2025, the conferences focus on five transitional themes on evolution and potential of immersive technologies

  • XR Devices & Technologies: Focus on the hardware (headsets, haptic devices, etc) with an analysis of performance, durability and consequences on the users’ health
  • XR Everywhere: How immersive technologies are used in our daily lives and what are their impact on our everyday habits?
  • Immersive Simulations and Innovation in Engineering: Professionals (engineers, creators, designers…)  des professionnels (ingénieurs, concepteurs, designers…) are coming to prove the significant power of XR in the industrial process.
  • AI-Driven Virtual Characters and Avatars: Dive into the fascinating world of AI-powered virtual avatars, with their wide interactive potential and their many ethical challenges.
  • Expanding your Customer Base with XR: Addressed to marketing and sales professionals, this session shows through testimonies and use cases how XR can help grab, retain and satisfy your clients.

Laval Virtual conferences are for everyone: developers, researchers, scientists, engineers, VR/AR experts, architects, content creators, CEOs, professional from industry, entertainment, communication, healthcare or education. Each thematic session can help you better understand and apprehend the future.

About author

Rédactrice Web Freelance. Jongleuse de mots et chercheuse de mots-clés. J’aide les entrepreneurs, start-ups, associations et TPEs à se dévoiler et à briller sur le web.
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