Laval Virtual, with Imagina, launched an application so that every visitor can organize their visit before the event.
Crédits photos : Prisma / Laval Virtual 2019
In order to offer the best experience for its events, Laval Virtual launched an application, powered by Imagina, a French society. The Imagina application for Laval Virtual aims to guide visitors and participants before, during and even after the event. It gathers all the essential information and accesses to miss nothing of every Laval Virtual events.
An application to centralise all events
The Imagina application for Laval Virtual will guide all the visitors during the next Laval Virtual events. Laval Virtual Days, Laval Virtual Europe in France, VRDays in Amsterdam… It allows you to organize your visit before, to better enjoy the complete programme. The Imagina application for Laval Virtual is a must to take full advantage of our virtual and hybrid events!
“Imagina specialises in enriching the visitor experience within a venue or event. Imagina develops innovative solutions in France and Europe for more than 300 events, cities, leisure parks, campuses, museums, train stations, ports and airports”.
Steve Cotonnec, CEO of Imagina
Organize your visit before every event
In order to offer a better visiting experience to participants, Laval Virtual andImagina offer several functionalities. First of all, after downloading the application, each visitor can contact a speaker, an exhibitor or another participant. As an exhibitor, you have the possibility to meet the visitors of the show to get new contacts. The Imagina application for Laval Virtual allows you to start a conversation and to book meetings with prospects to qualify them; before and during the event!
The Imagina application for Laval Virtual also allows you to build your own personalised programme. Each visitor can have access to the full programme, register for the conferences that interest them, and thus be able to organise their time during the event to visit the exhibition space, do networking, etc. Laval Virtual and Imagina have also set up a system for viewing the conferences live, via video platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. On the application, each visitor can therefore view the conferences in streaming.
A mobile and web application!
The Imagina application for Laval Virtual is available on iOS and Android. You can download it on your smartphone or your tablet. But it also available on the web, with a computer. It is particularly interesting for watching the conferences if you can attend them live.
How does it work? When you register for one of the events organized by Laval Virtual, systematically download the Imagina application. When you open it, create your account with the email you used for your registration. Then type the name of the event in the search bar at the top of the screen (for example “VRDays Europe 2020”). The application will automatically recognize you and you will have access to all the contents included in your ticket! All you need yo do is fill in your profile and start networking!