Immersive Display is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023.
Crédits photos : Meta
Leader in the sale of VR/AR accessories in Europe, Immersive Display has established itself as an expert against the largest e-commerce sites. Based near Laval in Mayenne, in the heart of a strong ecosystem around virtual reality, it is quite natural that the company has participated for several years in the Laval Virtual exhibition. Immersive Display will be celebrating the 25th edition on booth A75. Interview with Stéphane Deuil, director of Immersive Display.
Can you tell us more about your company?
Immersive Display is a French company specialized in selling virtual and augmented reality hardware and accessories. Since 2016, we’ve offered a full range of headsets and accessories to optimize our immersive experience with more than 150 references on our website: HTC Vive, HP, Pico, Meta Quest, Microsoft and many more brands well-known in the VR universe.
With now more than 19,000 clients, shipping in more than 75 countries accross the world and almost 200,000 unique visitors per year on our website, we are the European leader in the sale of VR accessories. Although our head office is in Paris, the commercial and logistic activity is located in our agency in Changé near Laval, in a 500m² facility with a secured storage area, a commercial hall, a maintenance workshop and a video studio.
What will you exhibit at Laval Virtual 2023?
We will show our online sale activity since we have recently undergone a new transformation by entirely redoing our e-commerce website. Besides, all the Immersive Display team will be here to meet the suppliers and potential business partners!
Laval Virtual is celebrating its 25th edition this year. Do you have any memories to share since the first edition in 1999?
We were one of the first companies to take part in this major event. In 1999, I personally installed the screens in all the rooms with my company Soniris System!
As for Immersive Display, we had our first booth back in 2016. 7 years later, for the 25th edition of Laval Virtual, we are honored to be the official sponsors of the outfits worn by the volunteers!
Personally, my greatest memory, apart from the excellent conferences organized to talk about virtual reality, is the legendary sleepless nights preparing the award ceremony with Jérôme Bonaldi and setting up the multiplex with the Bogdanoff brothers!
The world of technologies have been transformed with virtual worlds and the Metaverse rising. What are your opinions about these new phenomena?
In a recent article of Business Insights published in January 2023, the market of virtual reality will be worth more than 10 billion euros by 2029! As a reseller of VR headsets and accessories, we welcome the rise of virtual reality technology, while hoping this growth can help us develop our own company.
How do you see the VR field in 10 years?
As far as the virtual reality market is concerned, we are clearly positioned in the B2B sector. This ranges from research centers to fire departments to distribution groups to the healthcare sector. Our experience truly shows that there is a growing interest in the use of VR to increase productivity and to limit risks of work-related accidents at a lower cost. We think the BtoB demand will grow and generalize to reach SMB able to offer virtual products to their clients and then increase sales.
As for the product itself, immersion in virtual reality is confronted with physiological constraints. Despite that, VR/AR technology is moving towards more ergonomic, light and performing products, with a higher autonomy and more detailed screens. All these improvements will enable both a more immersive experience and a better tolerance in long term use, which is the biggest limit of today’s VR headsets.