Crédits photos : Virdys
Digital transformation is at the center of companies strategy. They must perform well while preserving the health and security of its employees, and reducing their environmental impact. To take up these challenges, training changes and integrates digital technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D. They offer a lot of advantages but their implementation implies an expensive and complexe expertise. With its software suite, Virdys facilitates the creation and distribution of immersive contents without any specific programmation and infography skills.
Virdys ANIMATE: creation and animation of 3D immersive contents
Virdys Animate is an easy-to-use 3D animation tool that allows to quickly create 360-degree video and immersive 3D environments for any kind of commercial, technical and educational communication support. Used by French medias (France Télévision, Groupe M6) or industrials (Eiffage Infrastructures, Sncf Réseau), Virdys Animate opens the doors to create promotional and/or technical contents, assembly instructions, training supports and reconstitution of events, in complete autonomy.
Virdys SCENARIZE: interactive 360 video editor
Virdys Scenarize is an online interactive videos editor and allows the constitution of documentary catalogues with management of exploitation rights for on-site consultation in standard format or in Virtual Reality. As a pedagogical vector encouraging the acquisition of knowledge, interactive media place the learner at the heart of the learning process and confront him/her with choices that influence his/her path. Virdys Scenarize meets with the major challenges of training by creating engagement through immersive rich media and the application of know-how.
Virdys COLLABORATE: immersive and collaborative showroom
Virdys Collaborate is a collaborative and multiplatform solution (PC/Mac, VR) to invite your clients, prospects and collaborators in a virtual showroom to present your products, sevices and to pass on your know-how. With its fully customisable virtual environments, Virdys Collaborate encourages collaboration and allows the distribution of interactive 360 media and the manipulation of 3D environments or objects made with the Virdys Suite or with any other solutions of the market.
The Virdys Suite distinguishes itself from its competitor by offering intuitive tools for creating, scripting and distributing 3D contents in complete autonomy.