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Smart IndustryInterview

Virtuallyz, your specialist in VR training and communication

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Virtuallyz is the result of a collaboration between two video game lovers and experts.

Crédits photos : Virtuallyz

Founded in 2020 by two video game experts, Virtuallyz is a company specialising in the creation of immersive solutions for training, communication and Smart Industry. In 2022, Virtuallyz also created its subsidiary, Virtuallyz Gaming, specialising in the development of video games. Virtuallyz will be exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 10-12, 2024, on booth A6. Interview with Aurélien Lévêque, Co-Founder and Chairman.

Can you introduce your company?

Virtuallyz is an agency specialising in the creation of immersive and innovative digital experiences for training, communication and Smart Industry. In other words, we help our customers to use all the potential offered by new immersive technologies generated by IT tools to meet your serious challenges in terms of hard and soft skills.

Colleagues and friends for over 22 years, Martin Schuchewytsch and I are both passionate about video games and new technologies, and both worked at Visual Impact, a company that creates video games. Between 2004 and 2011, the two of us produced over 35 video games, including some million-sellers. Our team also worked on the project Journey to the Heart of Evolution, winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Laval Virtual 2018. With all this experience behind us and our heads full of dreams, in 2020 we decided to try our hand at entrepreneurship, always with the same guiding principle in mind: customer satisfaction and the design of innovative, high-quality experiences above all else. And so Virtuallyz was born.

What will your company show at Laval Virtual 2024?

We will be presenting our various virtual reality and augmented reality projects for clients over the course of 2023. We work for a number of major accounts in a variety of fields on subjects relating to training, innovation and corporate communications.

What is your company’s current project?

Virtuallyz is currently working on a video game for company employees. This project is at the crossroads of our 2 business sectors: video games and serious games. Virtuallyz uses the best of both worlds to offer the most interesting gameplay possible so that employees can learn while having fun. A team worthy of a video game will be in charge of this top-down management game. Virtuallyz uses its own motion capture studio to make our animations as realistic as possible.

What innovation do you think has most transformed the world of VR/AR?

The arrival of a new player, like Apple, is going to shake things up and enable new uses. VR headsets are now easier to use and much more reliable, and companies are increasingly convinced of their benefits. Added to this is the determination of manufacturers to make these technologies more and more accessible to the general public, both for professionals and individuals. For us, power and accessibility are the keys to a future in which XR technologies will be an integral part of every individual’s daily life.

The baseline of our 26th edition is “Act For The Future”. In your opinion, how can immersive technologies impact the world of tomorrow?

The exponential digitalisation of social relations in general is leading employees, experts and auditors to work more and more outside their usual place of work. In particular, teleworking is becoming increasingly popular. Training and communication will therefore have to change in order to adapt to these new practices and move towards digital and/or remote working. This is why immersive technologies are the key to helping companies and training organisations make the transition to digital technology and its new uses. Virtual and augmented reality open up enormous possibilities and potential gains.

About author

Freelance Web Copywriter. Words juggler and keywords hunter. I help entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations and SMBs to unveil and shine.
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