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SportVirtual realityUse case

A smart watch to track your physical activity

A smart watch for sports in VR

Crédits photos : Forbes

The fitness industry was particularly hit by the coronavirus crisis. Closure of sport halls and lockdown have pushed people to imagine new ways to do sports at home. How to keep following sports programs at home? How to get motivation without a coach by our side?

A virtual watch?

One of the solutions is to make sports activity more interactive. Virtual became very attractive. YUR developed a tool to better integrate virtual reality into sports activity: a virtual smart watch.

It looks like a normal watch, with a bracelet; it tells time and can launch fitness applications. The big difference is that it’s not a physical watch, and can support many configurations.

Combining video games and sport

The idea of the brand is to provide information to uses in virtual reality to transform a video game into a physical activity. The virtual watch provides information such as: heart rate, a squats counter, daily calorie goal and the current activity level. With this watch, you can see the “sporting” side of a video game session.

According to the developers, having these options being displayed while we play can motivate us to go further in our physical activity. It can be motivating and seen as a challenge during the game. More than 60,000 users have already logged in the YUR platform, and 5 million training sessions have been recorded.

Source: Forbes

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About author

Content editor at Laval Virtual. Obsessed with adverbs and punctuation, synonyms and keywords are my daily guides. I hunt innovative use cases about VR/AR and immersive tech.
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