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HTC VIVE, a major player in the virtual reality hardware market

Casque de réalité mixte VIVE XR Elite

HTC VIVE is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023.

Crédits photos : VIVE

In the landscape of virtual reality hardware providers, HTC VIVE stands out. The Asian company is one of the biggest players in the VR hardware market. Today, it is defending this position by releasing two new products: a mixed reality headset and a virtual world for professionals. HTC VIVE is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023 on booth A42. Interview with Samantha-Lee Phaeton, Marketing Manager.

Can you present your company?

HTC VIVE is the leading virtual reality (VR) platform and ecosystem that creates true-to-life VR experiences for businesses and consumers. The VIVE ecosystem is built around superior VR hardware, software and content. The VIVE business encompasses best-in-class XR hardware, the VIVEPORT platform and app store, VIVE enterprise solutions for professional customers, VIVE X, a $100 million VR business gas pedal, and VIVE ARTS for cultural initiatives.

What will you exhibit at Laval Virtual 2023?

During Laval Virtual, we will launch our new all-in-one mixed reality headset, the VIVE XR Elite, as well as our unique and unprecedented VIVERSE for Business solution, a virtual world for professionals.

The world of immersive tech was shaken up by the rise of the Metaverse and virtual worlds. What is your opinion on these?

The Metaverse has been recently popularised but is not new, and arguably we have always been in one form of a ‘Metaverse’. When we look at technologies like the Metaverse, ones that can bring 3D models and avatars into the virtual world, we have the potential to unleash imagination, creativity, socialisation and productivity, enabling human connection in new ways. XR technology is playing a big part in that, breaking down barriers of learning, of geography, of time, social constructs, and so much more.

In just a few short years we’ve seen VR headsets go from being physically tethered PC-based devices, through to powerful standalone experiences capable of both Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality. Our new VIVE XR Elite redefines the XR experience because of how compact and versatile it is, and that’s a path the entire industry is working towards – smaller, lighter, more versatile devices.

How do you see the VR world in 10 years?

The B2B side is seeing huge growth across the world and in every industry and vertical. Surgeons can practice complicated procedures with zero risk, architects can design effortlessly, factory workers can learn processes in a safe environment, students can learn in immersive settings, virtual meetings can be meaningful again, and so much more.

The XR industry is one of the most exciting fields to be in, with constant innovation and more importantly, incredible stories about how technology is helping humanity.

About author

Freelance Web Copywriter. Words juggler and keywords hunter. I help entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations and SMBs to unveil and shine.
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