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Training / EducationInterview

Learning to paint in VR with Léonard Technologies

Homme avec un casque VR et un pistolet de peinture

Leonard is a VR training solution for learning the profession of applicator.

Crédits photos : Leonard Technologies

Leonard Technologies develops and markets a virtual reality application designed to train spray painters and simulate the application of paint to different surfaces. Its Leonard solution is aimed at vocational training centres as well as construction and industrial companies. Léonard Technologies will be exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 10-12, 2024, on booth A42. Interview with Pascal Hochart, Chairman of Léonard Technologies.

Can you introduce your company?

Leonard Technologies offers a VR application called Leonard. Our company has been developing and marketing Léonard since 2017 and is continuing to develop it. This application is aimed at private or public training centres and industrial or construction companies. It enables spray painters to become operational and to simulate the application of paint to the customer’s parts in their own environment.

What will your company show at Laval Virtual 2024?

Léonard Technologies will be presenting an exclusive product: a commercially available paint spray gun connected to the Leonard application! Our innovation is based on the connection of each of the variables of a commercially available pneumatic spray gun to our application, designed for training and simulation of paint application.

What innovation do you think has most transformed the world of VR/AR?

The advent of easily accessible virtual reality headsets has changed things in the sector. This has enabled the widest possible audience to experience immersive technologies at first hand.

The baseline of our 26th edition is “Act For The Future”. In your opinion, how can immersive technologies impact the world of tomorrow?

Immersive technologies will have an impact on tomorrow’s world by going beyond the hype to which they are still too often limited, to become solutions to the major challenges facing our societies: ecology, re-industrialisation, healthcare systems, etc.

About author

Freelance Web Copywriter. Words juggler and keywords hunter. I help entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations and SMBs to unveil and shine.
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