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How PICO became a major player in the global VR hardware landscape

Casque de réalité virtuelle PICO

PICO develops all-in-one VR headsets for professionals and consumers.

Crédits photos : PICO XR

Founded in 2015, PICO immediately specialized in the development of all-in-one VR headsets for the enterprise market. Seven years later, they entered the consumer market with the PICO 4 headset, directly competing with the Meta Quest, and expanded its offerings in enterprise with the PICO 4 Enterprise. PICO intends to disrupt the VR hardware global landscape by building an integrated XR platform that inspires the community and empowers developers, creators, and businesses. PICO is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023.

VR headsets with state of the art technology

R&D holds an important place at PICO, which is innovating every year to launch the most advanced VR headsets of the market. Their headsets are equipped with eye-tracking, face-tracking and hand-tracking technologies. The PICO 4 Enterprise reflects this technological ambition, as the brand’s most advanced headset yet, and which “really sets a new standard in VR”, according to Alizé Amrani, PICO EMEA Enterprise Marketing Manager. “And for sure, we are continuing to invest in R&D for new kinds of headsets, which we are looking forward to”.

PICO’s next target: mixed reality. “We notice that the need for mixed-reality is increasing in the enterprise market”, explains Alizé Amrani. They started to work on this big piece with its PICO 4 Enterprise headset. The RGB camera allows the user to see his real environment. “We are still continuing to add improvements. We are confident these additions will be very helpful for businesses.

PICO, here to “serve the needs of enterprise”

With its headsets, PICO wants to seduce professionals that wish to integrate virtual reality in their process. “Our VR headsets are used for a wide range of enterprise use cases including training, 3D design, collaboration, education, healthcare”, specifies Alizé Amrani. But it’s also about aiming at everyone: “We want to make sure that our technology is accessible to as many businesses as possible”.

As a complement to its headsets, PICO offers various solutions to help companies implement virtual reality. “PICO Business Suite is definitely a very useful tool for them to better manage their VR contents within multiple headsets at the same time”. There is also the PICO Business Store that provides immersive contents in education, healthcare and training sectors.

Partner use cases and exclusive announcements at Laval Virtual 2023

A handful of partners using the PICO headsets will be on the booth at Laval Virtual 2023. “This year, we will have a booth with several demos showcasing a range of applications and use cases”, explains Alizé Amrani. The demos shown cover the training, healthcare, entertainment and culture sectors. Visitors will be able to test the PICO 4 Enterprise (equipped with eye tracking, face tracking, hand tracking and a camera for mixed reality), but also the PICO Neo 3 Pro and Neo 3 Pro Eye equipped with the eye tracking technology developed by Tobii.

Last year, PICO chose Laval Virtual to announce the launch of their new headset, the Pico Neo 3 Link. This year, it has exclusive surprises in store for us. “We have some very exciting launches coming up for PICO!”. To know everything about these announcements, do not miss the presentation on April 12th as part of the “Immersive Digital Learning” session.

About author

Freelance Web Copywriter. Words juggler and keywords hunter. I help entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations and SMEs to unveil and shine.
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