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Training / EducationInterview

wondder develops immersive training to revolutionize the workplace

Casque wondder, start-up spécialisée dans la formation professionnelle en VR

wondder's immersive training courses are aimed at employees and company managers.

Crédits photos : wondder

From April 12 to 16, the 25th edition of the Laval Virtual exhibition attracted over 10,000 visitors and 190 exhibitors. Among them was the start-up wondder, straight from Berlin, Germany. As a specialist in immersive learning, it offers virtual reality training courses for employees and company directors. Mihai Streza, CEO and Founder, looks back on their experience at the event.

Can you introduce wondder?

wondder is a Berlin-based startup that offers cutting-edge Virtual Reality training solutions to organizations across all industries. Our immersive Leadership Development VR training programs are designed to provide an effective and engaging learning experience for employees, leading to enhanced skills, knowledge, and performance.

wondder is empowering people with Virtual Reality and ethical AI. We create and deliver leadership training and personal development in Virtual Reality, AI-driven. Our focus is on transforming the way people learn and improve their skills in their daily work, replacing traditional training methods. We create realistic and immersive simulations that allow you to practice and apply all your new skills in a safe and risk-free environment. Our VR training programs provide real-time feedback and analytics, enabling organizations to track progress and measure the effectiveness of VR trainings on their workforce.

Why did you choose Leadership Development Training?

We transform organizations with impactful and immersive Virtual Reality experiences that inspire their teams and strengthen their company culture. At wondder, we recognize the critical importance of Leadership VR training in today’s workplace. Our Leadership Training is essential to hone leaders’ skills and develop their competencies such as communication, decision-making, delegation, and team building in a unique and engaging way.

Traditional training methods for Leadership often fall short in creating a lasting impact on employees. That’s why we chose to use virtual reality (VR) technology to create immersive and engaging training experiences that have a lasting impact on employees. In our Virtual Reality training, you wear a headset and see and interact with a virtual world that simulates reality. By experiencing situations through someone else’s perspective, you gain new insights and perspectives. Our VR training programs enable people to practice real-world scenarios helping them develop the skills and knowledge needed to lead and promote a more effective and engaging workplace. By choosing VR technology, we’re able to offer more effective training that has a long-term impact on employee performance and contributes to the overall success of the organization.

What did you present at Laval Virtual 2023?

At Laval 2023, our company plans to offer a glimpse into our latest developments, which include our two latest products – A Day in the Office and Talk To Me. Firstly, we want to raise awareness about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. A Day in the Office will allow you to experience and understand the microaggressions that women face in the workplace, and the impact they have on the individual and the organization as a whole. Through this immersive experience, we hope to promote a more inclusive workplace culture.

Secondly, we want to demonstrate the potential of VR as a tool for personal and professional development. Talk To Me is a unique product that allows users to have a conversation with themselves, providing a fresh perspective on their problems and promoting self-reflection. By showcasing this product, we hope to showcase the power of VR for problem-solving, stress reduction, and personal growth.

At wondder, we are always striving to create innovative VR training solutions that address the needs of our clients and their employees. By showcasing these products, we aim to demonstrate our commitment to using VR technology to address sensitive issues that each of us face and help others to understand how they can improve their personal and professional lives. Laval Virtual is a great opportunity to show our work, connect with potential customers, industry peers, and stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the field.

What participants will find in these VR training sessions?

In a Day In the Office we’re using virtual embodiment: allowing you to see the world from the point of view of someone else, with a virtual body different from your real body. You are able to physically experience microaggressions of sexism first hand. Participants learn to identify situations of unconscious bias, and feel empowered to act on that knowledge. The first step is to bring awareness to the participants, to make them understand that those situations happen. The second step is to create empathy, to make the people understand how those situations feel. And the last step is to create an impulse in the participants for them to change their behaviors accordingly.

While in Talk To Me you can expand your problem solving horizon for the topic at hand. Let’s say you’d like to tackle an issue with innovation in your department. You will be looking at this topic from a different perspective, which you consider to be potentially beneficial. This will happen in a conversation with a Virtual Reality avatar that embodies the perspective you’d like to explore. Talk To Me is a powerful innovation in the Mental Healthcare area allowing you to have a deep conversation with yourself, access your own inner wisdom, and get past rumination and other destructive habits.

Where do you see yourself in the future?

In the future, we see ourselves as a leading player in the VR training industry, constantly innovating and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. We want to continue developing cutting-edge VR training solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients and provide tangible results for them. We also aim to expand our reach and impact, bringing our solutions to organizations across all industries and making a meaningful contribution to the development of the future workforce.

About author

Freelance Web Copywriter. Words juggler and keywords hunter. I help entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations and SMBs to unveil and shine.
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