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A Journey of Innovation: and the manufacturing industry and Carl Zeiss have collaborated on augmented reality content.

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What’s an innovative way to present a product? To catch the attention of clients and support them while choosing the right device? How to upgrade a normal print calendar to an entertaining and helpful tool? And how to announce events in a digital world? These were the big questions that started the ongoing journey of and the manufacturer Carl ZEISS. For, exhibitor at VRDays Europe 2020, the answer to all these questions was clear: Augmented Reality.

The start of a digital adventure: webAR

Every year Carl ZEISS publishes a print calendar for its employees and partners in order to announce events or product releases of the brand. But it was time to upgrade this one-dimensional print product and that’s where came into play: By connecting the analog with the digital world, managed to transform the calendar into a tool that can be experienced in reality and in virtual dimensions.

The ZEISS Diary webAR is a web-based app that interacts with the printed calendar and extends many pages with virtual content. Implemented QR codes lead to multimedia extensions that are accessible via the browser on every smartphone or tablet thanks to the webAR technology by 8th Wall.

But the true highlight of the webAR experience is the animated 3D Avatar that got adapted to the real-life brand ambassador “Jay”, who introduces the application and gives insights into metrology in three different languages, so that all ZEISS employees around the globe can discover their 2020 calendar in a whole new way. It’s the AR Avatars role to announce highlights, events and product releases that are planned for the year – highlights just like the ZEISS AR Metrology app…

From webAR to native application: product presentation 2.0 

The ZEISS AR Metrology App in action

The ZEISS AR Metrology app was the next milestone on the journey of and its client that was planned to be announced via the webAR calendar all the way: The own native Augmented Reality app for the company allows to experience the measuring equipment interactively by placing the virtual versions of the devices into the real environment. Special hotspots offer additional information and deeper insights into the technological standard of the products. One great benefit of the native app is the option to extend the portrayed products with every newly published device in the future – a very effective, never-ending story.

A Journey to be continued…

The application was also part of the “Innovation Rocks”-campaign ZEISS started in 2020 to give a detailed overview of its products, upcoming innovations and highlights like the AR Metrology App in form of four extensive videos. But the journey isn’t over here. and Carl ZEISS have just started. What new challenges will 2021 bring? Which new innovations will be published? Only time will show.

Shaping new worlds since 2005 – an award-winning XR agency with a name that stands symbolically for its solutions. With more than 12 years of experience in the development of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality contents a whole collection of projects has been developed for companies all around the globe. Aiming to enhance brand awareness, customer engagement and business growth for its clients, acts as consultant and tech-enabler of emerging technologies for global player like Porsche, Konica Minolta, Bentley, Carl Zeiss, Vorwerk, Audi and many more.

About author

Social media manager at – shaping new worlds.
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