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Training / EducationInterview

Understand virtual reality and its tools with AVR eXperience

Homme avec un casque de réalité virtuelle et des manettes

AVR eXPérience is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023.

Crédits photos : Pexels

In the jungle of immersive technologies, it is sometimes difficult to find your way. Given its business potential, it is important for professionals to understand virtual reality and its tools. AVR eXPérience helps companies to master VR/AR technologies through training sessions. AVR eXPérience is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12th to 14th on booth A4. Interview with Anaïs Vasseur, CEO.

Can you present your company?

AVR eXPérience was first born under the name of Arcade VR in 2018 as a virtual reality room for entertainment. It is in 2019, after having been solicited several times during professional services on events that we have evolved Arcade VR in AVR eXPérience.

Indeed, the solicitations concerning consulting and replacement needs for animation have emerged a need to extend our services for professionals. Today, the company has been renamed and has obtained its NDA to evolve as a training organization and consulting firm in 2022.

It is thus strong of more than 5 years of practices and acquisition of knowledge on virtual reality that we have for project to develop at best these new services. The main services we offer are divided into two categories: consulting and training.

What will you exhibit at Laval Virtual 2023?

Our position is to facilitate the integration of virtual reality from the idea to its deployment. We will present our services around virtual reality for companies such as: advice and support to equip themselves with equipment and develop their own VR experience, training to learn how to use this technology and train their employees, and events coordination.

The benefits for our clients are to save time, secure their investments, and not end up with a VR experience that will end up in the closet due to poorly identified objectives and animation parameters not taken into account by development studios.

The world of immersive tech was shaken up by the rise of the Metaverse and virtual worlds. What is your opinion on these?

The Metaverse is now only a prototype, barely at the Beta stage. Still in development, just understood by professionals, it has been massively publicized and highlighted in the mainstream press.

Surfing on the buzz of the term ” metaverse “, many professionals claiming to be experts, as well as press articles started to explain everything and its opposite about the Metaverse. This has resulted in ” metaverse ” in the literal sense of its definition going from a must-have to an interstellar flop while creating misinformation and confusion for the uninitiated.

Today, the term “Metaverse” is associated with 3D environments, virtual reality or various subjects including avatars or NFT. But all these terms are dissociable and do not have the same meaning, the same use cases and interests. This term has thus become a kind of “catch-all” that is moving away from its own initial definition.

Whether it is Metaverse or virtual worlds, they are both interesting tools for the future. Virtual worlds allow for a multitude of uses and interactions. The only obstacle will be the imagination and the budget needed to go from idea to reality.

How do you see the VR world in 10 years?

Headsets will become more and more compact and light, and different types of accessories will certainly become more common, such as gloves or a haptic suit, the ability to smell, moving pads, the possibility of not using a controller with hand-tracking.

Depending on the context, virtual reality and its use cases will evolve differently. On the consumer side, headsets will evolve, a bit like the PC market, with prices becoming more and more accessible and headsets becoming less and less cumbersome. The more people are equipped, the more uses will be oriented towards social applications such as “metaverse” to participate in a virtual concert or to replace videoconferences with relatives or even to shop online. The most passionate people or gamers will be able to equip themselves with different accessories.

On the business side, there will be headsets sometimes more high-end with a retinal resolution allowing, for example, a surgeon to operate on a person remotely. I imagine virtual reality training modules integrated into the learning process, whether it be soft skills or hard skills, with environments that are either generic or created specifically for the company and that adapt, for example, to its manufacturing process to allow an operator to take up his position efficiently. We can also use a VR meeting room to save time and travel costs, or make a product presentation to a prospect on the other side of the world.

This will create a strong demand for the development of environments, the need for support for companies and the need for training in virtual reality tools.

About author

Freelance Web Copywriter. Words juggler and keywords hunter. I help entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations and SMBs to unveil and shine.
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