The Laval Virtual Awards recognize VR / AR projects and their creators every year.
Crédits photos : Laval Virtual / Prisma
The 25th edition of Laval Virtual, international event on virtual reality and the Metaverse, is happening on April 12-16, 2023. Since its creation in 1999, the even rewards the best immersive projects of the year. Here are the nominees of the Laval Virtual Awards of this 2023 edition.
29 immersive solutions nominated
The Metaverse and the biggest hardware suppliers in the spotlight
Among the selected project of this finale phase, there are major names of the immersive market, such as Pico, HTC and Sense Glove. All three of them are competing in the “Hardware” category which will designate the most advanced and promising device of the year. Microsoft is also represented through two partners from its village on mixed reality, in the “Enterprise & Productivity Solution”: Spectral TMS and Syngeriz.
The Metavers and virtual worlds obviously have a category of their own, given their rapid growth in recent years. Three projects are nominated, with two different intentions: the company Aptero proposes a platform to create personalized virtual worlds, while Delta Reality and Zaubar want to defy the boundaries between reality and virtuality with augmented reality and artificial intelligence. In another category, Noise Makers developed an acoustic creation tool for virtual worlds, and Qualcomm Technologies conceived a tool for developers to create augmented reality experiences.
Raising awareness and educating users
The “XR for a cause” category, which has been in existence for several years now, promises some fascinating immersive projects. The Carbon Detox and Geodino experiments focus on climate change and man’s impact on the planet. Meta Table aims to bring people with disabilities out of their social isolation, by embodying robot avatars. Finally, Stay Alive, My Son, is a harrowing testimony of a father forced to give up his son during the Cambodian genocide in the 1970s.
In the training and education field, four projects are selected to win a Laval Virtual Awards. Red Alert and Otherside created training modules in virtual reality aiming to train employees and students to identify and face risks of industrial activities. Audace proposes an immersive training for new employees in companies. Finally, CTD AS conceived a virtual world for the practice of medical employees. In another category, the Gleechi platform enables to created virtual reality training modules.
Projects for the general public
Two categories are presenting entertaining immersive solutions: “Consumer Experience & Entertainment” and “Marketing or Advertising Campaign”. In the first one, there is a horror escape game in virtual reality, an augmented reality immersion with marine animals, a virtual journey inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt and a futuristic photocall using micromapping.
In the marketing category, the nominees are an interactive application to imagine the interior of a business jet, an immersive experience about the history of fire and light, and an educational experience on the origins of olives and oil production.
An exceptional jury and ceremony
To pick the winners of this exceptional 25th edition, Laval Virtual invited several technology experts for the jury. Among them: Christophe Chartier (Immersion), Skip Rizzo (South Carolina University), Guillaume Taccoen (PTC), Fabien Dumon (Airbus) and David-Henri Bismuth (PwC).
The Laval Virtual Awards ceremony is the second key moment of the Laval Virtual event. It takes place on Thursday, April 13, 2023 and is open to Full Pass owners only.