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Smart IndustryInterview

How Holo-Light imagines the metaverse in the industry

Solution de réalité augmentée par Hololight

Holo-Light is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023.

Crédits photos : Holo-Light

Through an immersive streaming platform, Holo-Light wants to build an inter-company industrial metaverse. It proposes several solutions to collaborate, visualize and manage projects and teams, all using XR. Holo-Light is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023, on booth B22. Interview with Roman Emig, Sales Manager.

Can you present your company?

At Holo-Light, we enable our enterprise customers to realize the full potential of AR and VR. We listen to what the industry needs and create unique, industry-ready AR/VR technology that is highly innovative and tailored for scalable use cases and business models.

Our AR Engineering Space AR 3S enables people to seamlessly create, build and operate in digital space, while our ISAR remote streaming technology allows to create high-quality XR experiences on any low-performance device. But we and our customers don’t stop there: By creating an Industrial Metaverse, we are bridging the gap between the virtual and the real world.

What will you exhibit at Laval Virtual 2023?

We will demonstrate how immersive technologies simplify and accelerate product development and how to collaborate across AR and VR. Our engineering application AR 3S is the first professional application worldwide to enable interaction and multi-user mode between AR and VR.

Engineers and industrial designers use AR 3S to visualize complex 3D CAD models in original size, merge them with physical components and evaluate them in the actual environment. All parties involved can work on the same digital twin, in real-time and regardless of location. In addition to AR devices such as Microsoft HoloLens 2, the latest version of AR 3S now also supports VR devices such as Meta Quest 2, enabling seamless interaction between the two.

What’s more, the new Spectator View allows others to watch the AR user interact with the hologram live on a tablet.

Laval Virtual is celebrating its 25th edition this year. Do you have any memories to share since the first edition in 1999?

It’s great to see how far the industry has come! Although I don’t have many memories to share (this is my second year attending Laval Virtual), I spoke with many long-time attendees last year. Like all future tech events, it started out as a geeky niche event that attracted enthusiasts, pioneers, and visionaries. We have these people in our company as well – in fact, I consider myself one of them. The pioneers and visionaries still come to Laval, but the convention and the technology have grown and matured tremendously. It’s exciting to see that the big players have now entered the field and joined our rocket ship to Mars.

The world of immersive tech was shaken up by the rise of the Metaverse and virtual worlds. What is your opinion on these?

The following is speculation, of course: I think that companies that rely on the Industrial Metaverse now will have moved many processes there in a few years. The landscape of XR products, PoCs and projects in enterprises is scattered. We have often heard stories from our customers about how they are building the same XR application twice in different countries due to a lack of communication and management system within the company. We streamline this process.

At Holo-Light, we are creating the infrastructure for enterprises to step into the Industrial Metaverse. XRnow is the all-encompassing XR streaming ecosystem to manage and stream all AR/VR applications. This Industrial Metaverse brings the power of the cloud to mobile XR, providing a single source of truth for all 3D assets, infinite computing power, intelligent resource orchestration, and high scalability.

How do you see the VR world in 10 years?

10 years is an incredibly long time when it comes to technological progress. We’re potentially going to see a similar evolution of XR technology as we saw with the adoption of smartphones. The combination of XR and AI systems is already changing the way we create, communicate and collaborate. The physical and digital worlds will merge more and more. Adoption from the business-to-business market will also happen in the business-to-consumer space, especially as everything from hardware and input to use cases and the content creation process will improve immensely. We may have the first working brain-machine interfaces that allow us to control content with our thoughts. If you showed a smartphone to someone from the mid-90s, they’d probably go crazy. From our perspective today, XR in 10 years will feel like magic.

About author

Freelance Web Copywriter. Words juggler and keywords hunter. I help entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations and SMBs to unveil and shine.
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