Crédits photos : © VRE
From the 16th to the 18th of October 2020, these are the dates of the second edition of VRE – Virtual Reality Experience (Rome, Italy), which this year carries the emblematic subheading of Extended Edition: the International festival founded and directed by Mariangela Matarozzo – dedicated to VR Cinema and to the vast world of Immersive Technologies and their impact on our present and near future.
It will happen in some of the most important physical locations, like the MAXXI National Museum of Art from the XXI century, Villa Maraini, home of the Swiss institute, in the prestigious Villa Medici, home of the France Academy, in the Aula Magna Unitelma Sapienza in Rome, next to the university city. And the online with the VeeR VR platform and the streaming on VRE’s social channels. (access is free upon reservation, for details on the site there are specific info). VRE, that this year will be inside the section Risonanze della Festa del Cinema of Rome, will explore the multiple employments of VR and in general of the new technologies: from Arts to medicine, from entertainment to business and from the promotion of cultural heritage to gaming.
An official selection to be discovered in free access
In this second edition VRE presents its Official Selection on the VeeR Platform ; available from every device (VR, PC, tablet, smartphone), without time or place limits and with free access in over 150 countries all over the world. 22 360° films from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, China, Australia and the United States. With the variety of topics, stories, suggestions of great emotional impact, the Artistic Direction wanted to favour the social and cultural topics of greater relevance and depth according to some great focuses: from the attention to the environment to inclusivity, to attention to the heritage.
Inside this selection an international Jury formed by Yair Agmon, Jaehee Cho, Pierre Emmanuel Le Goff, Rafael Pavon, Kirsty van der Plas, will declare the Best VR Film and the Best Interactive Experience 2020. The Official Selection of VRE is available on VeeR VR and is free to access.
The 6th of November, VRE will host one of the satellite events of New Horizons Edition, by VRDAYS Europe, the annual meeting, became a point of reference worldwide for Managers, Professionals, Researchers, Artists of Immersive Technologies. Many topics, many sides of a single great and new gaze upon the world and upon creativity. With the objective and the dream to make of Technology the tool for a new Humanism, thanks to the extraordinary power of the art of narration which the immersive technologies offer. With the awareness that Virtual Reality is as today an absolutely powerful medium capable to make us acquire an ever greater level of awareness and understanding thanks to the mechanism of empathy that the immersiveness is able to generate.