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VRV Prod, creator of immersive audiovisual and educational content

VRV Prod is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023.

Crédits photos : VRV Prod

VRV Prod has the ambition to bring immersive technologies in our daily lives. The French company creates 360° videos, but also immersive contents for training, and even virtual reality devices for the general public. VRV Prod is exhibiting at Laval Virtual on April 12-14, 2023, on booth A27. Interview with Julien Vallée, CEO.

Can you introduce your company?

We created VRV Prod in 2015 and we create immersive 360 video contents. We also develop immersive e-learning contents by using 360 video and photo technology to immerse trainees in the most realistic environment possible and close to their work environment. All the data from the exercises are implemented in an online e-learning platform.

We also create virtual environments for dematerialized trade shows where visitors come as avatars. To enjoy our contents everywhere, we created POCKEYES, a cardboard immersive headset for smartphone, both customizable and foldable

What will you exhibit at Laval Virtual 2023?

We will present everything we know how to do by focusing this year on e-learning to present the types of content we offer and their integration into our e-learning platform.

Laval Virtual is celebrating its 25th edition this year. Do you have any memories to share since the first edition in 1999?

We participated as a visitor at Laval Virtual the year the Oculus CV1 virtual reality headset arrived. It was a first opportunity for us to try these headsets. Afterwards, we decided to create VRV PROD by imagining the potential of virtual reality and immersive technologies.

The world of immersive tech was shaken up by the rise of the Metaverse and virtual worlds. What is your opinion on these?

This is another evolution of the proposed contents. It remains now to find the uses for the general public and the professionals.

How do you see the VR world in 10 years?

Virtual reality will obviously always be present with headsets that will have evolved towards higher resolutions for a better user comfort. If the different actors manage to agree on a standard of diffusion (you can surf on the net with a Mac or a PC no matter the brand), we can hope for a diffusion towards the general public. Otherwise, it will remain a medium for professionals and people curious about new technologies.

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25th edition’s main exhibitors and speakers announced