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All the XR Trends of 2020-2021 at Laval Virtual Days

Laval Virtual XR Trends

Crédits photos : Prisma / Laval Virtual

On September 28th, the Laval Virtual team invites you for an immersive back-to-school in the Laval Virtual World, for the second consecutive year. It will be the opportunity to look back at the year 2020, which was full of changes. The invited speakers will discuss several themes that have evolved a lot recently: training, art, health… An event to know all the XR trends!

Look back at 2020

As everyone knows, the health crisis has shaken up the whole world. But it has also led to the emergence of new practices, such as remote working, long-distance training and education, telemedicine, etc. Despite the international stop, immersive technologies have become almost essential tools for better performances.

During this year 2020, virtual worlds appeared as well. Now we can teleport ourselves in a safe and covid-friendly environment. Virtual worlds are a big opportunity for events. The Laval Virtual World is one example among many others. Dozens of events happened in it since its creation in April.

XR trends analysis by the Laval Virtual Team

Like last year, Laval Virtual will share its expertise to all participants. The association is at the heart of the VR/AR market evolution. Its team will talk about everything that needs to be remembered in 2020. Nicolas Ribeyre, Business Intelligence Manager, will discuss the current trends, with David Nahon, VR/AR expert and Head of XR Innovation at Dassault Systèmes. Together, they will give their predictions by mentioning the promising business fields for immersive technologies.

Marie Leblanc, Head of Services, will share the results of a rapport on virtual worlds written by Laval Virtual. After the cancellation of the physical edition of its exhibition, the association has been working for a long time on the possibilities of virtual worlds. It already provided a first rapport earlier this year with a comparison of many virtual reality and online platforms. The rapport given during the Laval Virtual Days xR Trends completes it and brings elements of analysis in more detail.

An overview of promising sectors

Several speakers will provide solutions or present the evolution of their sector of activity. Many of them have been transformed and shaken up by the health crisis. Immersive technologies changed the way we work, shop, train and get medical treatment. This immersive back-to-school will focus on sectors that need to evolve quickly such as tourism, education, culture, trade.

Amy Peck, founder of EndeavorVR, consulting firm on virtual and augmented reality, gives a lecture on the future of work. Our way of working was suddenly disrupted by the crisis. Facing new long-distance organization and decision making challenges, the professional world has progressively implemented immersive technologies. Loïc Lextrait, CEO of Evaveo, digital studio dedicated to training, presents a virtual reality platform for training.

The health sector was also impacted by the crisis. We had to rethink the way we treat patients, by limiting physical contacts, unnecessary travel and groupings with vulnerable people. Alexander Padhaiski, co-founder of The Parallel, explains its project called Inveion for rehabilitation of people with disabilities, and how this project has evolved since the health crisis.

Conference will take place in the Laval Virtual World

A new way to organize events

Laval Virtual was at the heart of this health crisis. The team had to imagine new formats to keep organizing events. In addition to the edition of its BtoB exhibition, the association also made a virtual version of its art festival Recto VRso. Judith Guez, founder and director of the art and virtual reality festival, will be there to explain how the virtualisation project was born and how she managed to create a 100% virtual art gallery.

To accompany her, regular artists of the Recto VRso festival take part in a roundtable to talk about their experience. This exchange will be the opportunity to question the role of virtual in art. How have artists reinvented themselves? What kind of artworks and exhibitions can be offered to the public today? The roundtable will be animated by Urszula Gleisner, virtual reality and new media expert.

The discussion will end with the intervention of Benjamin DeWit, co-founder of VRDays. He presents the rich programme of this 6th edition, with a hybrid format: halp virtual, half physical. A lot of contents will be accessible on platforms online or in virtual reality.

Let’s meet in the Laval Virtual World

The Laval Virtual Days are events that bring the VR/AR community together and inspire (future) users. Laval Virtual organises these events with the aim of evangelising immersive techniques to a professional audience.

For a couple of months, the Laval Virtual Days have been in a virtual format. Last week, the Laval Virtual Days on the theme of sports gathered professional athletes and VR/AR experts. The Laval Virtual Days xR Trends will take place in the same place, on Monday 18th September at 6pm CEST.

Laval Virtual Days XR Trends
About author

Content editor at Laval Virtual. Obsessed with adverbs and punctuation, synonyms and keywords are my daily guides. I hunt innovative use cases about VR/AR and immersive tech.
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