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Virtual Collaboration with Vrex

Vrex, collaboration tool in virtual reality

Vrex brings your team together in virtual reality.

Crédits photos : Siemens / Vrex

Vixel changes the way construction and industrial teams collaborate with their BIM and CAD models during engineering and construction. With their cloud-based Virtual Reality application Vrex you can bring team-members together inside complex 3D-models and help everyone understand proposed solutions and challenges from their own perspective.

“BIM and CAD is the blueprint of any building, factory, or mechanical construction, and is where the important decisions are made. It is critical that every stakeholder and decision-maker understands this blueprint properly to make good decisions. This is where Vrex comes in.”

Vixel presented its solution during the 6th edition of VRDays as an exhibitor and has recently published its first chapter in a series of white papers on implementing VR in your BIM/CAD process.

Collaboration is the key

Vixel’s core business is in creating intuitive virtual collaboration and fully automated dataflows for XR (Extended Reality). “Vixel is part of NT6 [in Gjøvik, Norway, ed.], a collaborative work environment where 24 businesses share their experience. We believe this is the future of collaboration where experts join forces to solve the most difficult problems a single company is not equipped to solve alone”, as it is so aptly explained on its LinkedIn company profile.

This was the guiding philosophy behind the creation of Vrex, to bring experts from different backgrounds together in virtual collaboration. Virtual Reality is the best tool available to make everyone fully understand BIM/CAD plans, and this comes with several advantages. Smarter decisions, faster work processes, total focus on the task at hand. This helps the team reduce cost, prevent mistakes, and accelerate decision-making. Up to 90%, reduced decision-making time has been reported!

The Value of Virtual Reality with BIM

Vixel recently shared its expertise in an online white paper. The value of Virtual Reality with BIM gives an introduction to the value of BIM and the basics you need to know to implement VR in your BIM or CAD strategy.

The paper sets out to present the value proposition of using VR with BIM, in concept, design, engineering, evaluation, approval, and construction phases of construction. […] VR is currently the best tool available to communicate BIM clearly to everyone involved in the project, and to make sure they fully understand the challenges the project is facing and the solutions that are proposed.

Rune Vandli, Product Manager at Vixel

In this white paper, Vixel gives its advice as a company specializing in collaboration in XR. The publication is very complete as it also provides insights on how to implement VR in existing processes, the cost of Virtual Reality implementation (IT equipment, VR hardware, employee training), and how to measure its success. This step-by-step guide will convince any industry leader about the benefits of immersive technologies for business.

About author

Content editor at Laval Virtual. Obsessed with adverbs and punctuation, synonyms and keywords are my daily guides. I hunt innovative use cases about VR/AR and immersive tech.
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